McLeod FMS 3PL Platform version 18.0 Release Notes

Id Title Description
FMS-4206Intermodal order optimize status. Update to the Optimizer to allow users the ability to set optimize status to YES in the Orders Management screen for Intermodal Orders and process them through the optimizer.
FMS-4189Create ADD button for Equipment Type and Size. Update to include an ADD button in the Equipment Type screen and Equpment Size screen.
FMS-4186Allow update of AVAILABLE UNITS on the Products. In the Order detail section of the Product screen the Units Authorized field has been modified to allow the user to upate the number of units available for shipment.
FMS-4183Awarded carriers disappear after load restore. Change the Restore Load functionality to get the awarded carrier information for the lane again.
FMS-4161Max Cube Project settings. Update to the Order screen to take the Max Cube setting from the Project settings.
FMS-3723Issues when order duplicated. Resolves issues with weights and products when duplicating orders.
FMS-1653Tendering too heavy loads and loads with weight=0. Adding error messages asking the user to verify that they want to create a load that weighs more than the maximum weight set up in the Project setting or loads that have a zero weight.
FMS-4191Issues with order when products are updated. Updating how the system manages weights and cubes when an order is deleted from a multi-order load.
FMS-4135Importing large set of locations Addressing some database efficiency issues when importing location files that are very large.
FMS-4123Moving Large Order list to Optimization Addressing some database efficiency issues when importing order files that are very large to the optimizer.
FMS-4190Error Message for Loads that do not export. Updates to the Load Export Details screen to provide more explicit details on an error message when a load fails to export for some reason.
FMS-4176Change authorization error to be more specific when related to bids and tenders. Update the error messages related to the load bids and tenders when a carrier logs in to view so they will know if the load/bid has been cancelled, assigned to another carrier, or if the user logging in does not have access to the project/division associated with the load/bid.
FMS-4174Log all database processes. The addition of more rigorous logging of processes to assist with running down any database issues or slow downs in the system.
FMS-4168Menu changes Changes to Main Sidebar Menu to better organize the individual items and allow the user to open or close sections of the menu.
FMS-4166Manage operations screen. Modify load filters. Change to the filter in the Manage operations screen that allows the user to put in a partial Load #, FMS #, or Load #2 and get a list of all loads that BEGIN with that number and match the other parameters in the query.
FMS-4157Order Manager and Load Manager profile changes. An update in how the filter and grid view manager are viewed. We have put all the Filter functions on a single tab and created expandable/compressable sections for the various filter groups. We have also moved all the grid view functions to a Manage Grid View tab so it no longer clutters the screen when not in use.
FMS-4155Modify FMS Menu. Add collapsible groups. An update to the sidebar menu to better organize items and allow the user to expand/collapse sections when not in use so they no longer clutter the screen.
FMS-3854Intermodal for lanes, rates, carriers, and orders. Enhancement of Intermodal functionality. By setting up intermodal lanes with cutoffs and transit time FMS will be able to identify intermodal candidates for orders received under FTL mode. This functionality allow users to switch modes on orders with a single selection.
FMS-4134Intermodal. Load entry
FMS-4133Intermodal. Load modifications
FMS-4131Intermodal. Carriers
FMS-4130Intermodal. PO modifications
FMS-4129Intermodal. Lane modification
FMS-4076Move customer execution buttons to the left of screens where they are to the far right of the screen. An esthetic change to the screen layout to guarantee that process buttons are to the left of the screen where they are more visible to the user, especially on wider pages.
FMS-3826Carrier SCAC is no longer required, primary code for carrier is DOT Number. Due to changes in the industry, we have set the system to work with the carrier DOT# with any existing MC# as the unique identifier for the carrier record.
FMS-3791Locations with 0 coordinates. Update to location entry to use address information to aquire geographical coordinates from outside source when none are entered.
FMS-3510We need a method to broadcast messages on the screen to all users on the system. A method has been added to FMS that allow Global Administrators (FMS Staff) the ability to broadcast short messages to all users on the system.
FMS-3261Pool Points Optimization Integrates cross-docking locations to the optimization process.
FMS-4169Make checks for location time optional by adding a flag to the project. Update to the Project to make checking the location open-times optional.
FMS-4165Add alert notification. Bid received. An addition to the Alert Notification screen for Load Bids.
FMS-4095Changes to optimization results page. Addition to the Optimzer Results page to show an indicator of Estimated Time for Completion and Percentage Complete.